road sign manual bangla

road sign manual bangla

oad sign manual in Bengali (Bangla). Road sign manuals and guidelines are typically published by the relevant transportation authorities or departments in each country.

For information on a road sign manual in Bengali in Bangladesh, you can consider the following steps:

  1. Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA):
    • Visit the official website of BRTA or contact their offices directly. They are likely to have information on road sign manuals and guidelines. Inquire about the availability of materials in Bengali.
  2. Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges:
    • Check the official website of the Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges in Bangladesh. They may provide information on road sign regulations and manuals. Inquire about language-specific versions.
  3. Government Publications and Libraries:
    • Government publications or official documents are often available through government websites or libraries. Check with relevant government offices or libraries for the manual in Bengali.
  4. Language-Specific Resources:
    • If there are language-specific versions of the manual, they may be available through language-specific resources or publications. Consider checking with language-specific government offices.
  5. Consultation with Authorities:
    • Contact relevant authorities or departments responsible for road safety and traffic regulations. They can provide information on the availability of road sign manuals in Bengali.
  6. Local Traffic Police Departments:


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